Applied Environmental Statistics
Pablo E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca (Co-Teaching)
Spring-2022 (UVM)

Lecture Outlines, Scripts & Homework Assignments

Date / Sesion Lecture Resources
Week 1Introduction part 1Link
Week 2Introduction part 2----
Week 3Experimental design and sampling----
Week 4Descriptive StatisticsLink
Week 5Probability and Hypothesis testing
Week 6One Sample z-testLink
Week 7Exam 1----
Week 8Independent t testsLink
Week 9Dependent t-testsLink
Week 10One-way ANOVALink
Week 11ANOVA (Factorial)Link
Week 12CorrelationsLink
Week 13Simple Linear RegressionLink
Week 14Multiple Linear RegressionLink
Week 15Chi SquareLink
Week 16Final Exam----